

Indeed a cool topic to discuss. Ice is the frozen state of water. The major portion of ice or ice glaciers is found in Antarctica,Greenland and Himalayas.. The equator region of earth receives consistent sunlight than the pole region. This prevents the atmosphere of equatorial region from achieving a temperature below 0 degree celsius which is a necessary condition for the formation of ice. Also the temperature falls as the altitude rises. And therefore, Ice formation takes place in extreme poles and high altitudes. An interesting fact about ice is that ice in bulk, though being a solid in nature possesses dynamic properties.

So how does the formation of ice take place ? The continuous snowfall over time gets compressed to become an ice or ice glacier. Glacier is the huge mass of ice. As ice possesses dynamic properties, it tends to flow but at a very slow rate. They undergo Iceberg calving, which is the breaking of ice.

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